Like it or not, we live in a beauty-conscious society. Not all of the ‘beautiful people’ were born that way, however. Many have helped nature along by taking advantage of plastic surgery, as well as cosmetic dentistry. Melanie Griffith, Cher, Jane Fonda, to name just a few, have all openly displayed the results of their cosmetic surgery to the world.

Fortunately such self-improvement is no longer the exclusive domain of the rich and famous. Nor is it considered a sign of self-indulgence or vanity. Quite the contrary, taking steps to improve your appearance today is considered an investment in your health and well-being, and it is as socially acceptable as it is personally gratifying. In our modern competitive society, a pleasing appearance often means the difference between success and failure in both our personal and professional lives. Because the mouth is one of the focal points of the face, it should come as no surprise that the smile plays a major role in how we perceive ourselves, as well as in the impressions we make on the people around us. If you would like to improve your confidence we have the expertise to recommend the most appropriate course of cosmetic dental treatment.

Amalgam fillings

Many of the Clinic’s Patients voiced their concerns about the mercury contained in this material, not to mention the copper, zinc and silver. The metals pollute both our Clinic and our local environment.

Tooth Coloured Materials

We only use tooth coloured restorations now. Special chemicals, that are fully bio-degradable, are used to clean the tooth surface, before the tooth-coloured filling material is bonded into position.The ‘super glues’ used are perfectly safe, and provided these tooth coloured fillings are placed in a suitably prepared tooth, they will last a minimum of 5 to 8 years, dependant on the size of the restoration, and how much tooth structure it replaces. The larger the restoration, the less time they will last, and for many of the larger restorations, you should be considering a crown to fully restore the tooth to its original shape and function.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin porcelain coverings, similar to false finger nails. They are superglued to natural tooth tissue, and can be used to disguise the original colour, shade or shape; in fact any facet that you find embarrassing about your teeth.

Bleaching Systems

Bleaching teeth is a very effective way to brighten and lighten dark or stained teeth. This technique has particular application for upper and lower front teeth. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks, and can create a permanent colour change. The systems we use here are designed to be used at home, so that you are in control of the final shade and colour. All the chemicals used in these systems have been extensively researched and are safe as prescribed.

Together with us you can learn to look after yourself!

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