We used to recommend that you come into the Clinic every 6 months. This outdated and old fashioned approach has no real  clinical basis at all. Our Burnaby Dental Clinic will recall you by our computerized system at the interval set in discussion with you, our Patient, our hygienist, and the Dentist.

Consider that not all people are equally susceptible to dental disease. While some have absolutely no dental disease, others will display susceptibility to either dental (tooth), periodontal (gum) or both disease processes.

Even if you take excellent care of your teeth and gums at home, you still need to see a dentist regularly. Your dentist can check for problems that you may not see or feel. Many dental problems don’t become visible or cause pain until they are in more advanced stages. Examples include cavities, gum disease and oral cancer. Regular visits allow your dentist to find early signs of disease. Problems can be treated at a manageable stage.

On average, seeing a dentist twice a year works well for many people. Some can get away with fewer visits. Others may need more frequent visits. People with very little risk of cavities or gum disease can do fine seeing their dentist just once a year. People with a high risk of dental disease might need to visit every three or four months, or more. This high-risk group includes:

  • Smokers
  • Pregnant women
  • Diabetics
  • People with current gum disease
  • People with a weak immune response to bacterial infection
  • People who tend to get cavities or build up plaque

Once your dental health has been assessed, and any problems sorted out, you should see your Hygienist or Dentist  every 3, 4 or 6 months. You will be recalled more often if you are prone to Periodontal disease. Infants should see a dentist at about 12 months of age.

Child Teeth Development


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